Sunday, March 27, 2011


Last Sunday it was sunny and 84 and today it is cloudy, misty and 40. I'd planned to finish the spring cleaning and get all of the curtains washed and out to hang in the fresh air and sun. It's OK; there are sunny warm days to come. I'm blessed to have a fire and the comfort of a warm, quiet home.

 When I was young we would gather round the wood stove, the past would unfold there as the old folks told stories  of how life had been in their youth.  Marriages were planned and babies were named as we stitched quilts years in advance of an engagement. It was hope and faith that we stitched in every thread long before these quilts would see a marriage bed. Each piece held a memory, a square stitched from a piece of Grandma's Sunday dress or from uncles old flannel work shirt or from feed sacks. Feed sacks had stories of their own, those ladies could still remember the names of hens well loved and long passed.   

Pieces of North Carolina pottery reside on my hearth. Jugs made by skilled, wise hands to hold molasses or liquor. Yep N.C. has it's place in Moon Shine history. I can remember the stories told quietly of how many farms survived the depression on money earned from the sale of home made liquor.
A little cauldron rests here beside an old chalkware cat, at some time in history this little cauldron had it's place in daily life. It may have warmed soup or maybe there was medicine made here; again by wise and skilled hands. I learned many of life's. lessons by the wood stove, I'm glad it is cold today so I can be warmed by memories of those days sitting and stitching by the fire. It is good to remember the wisdom of the past, I'm thinking they need a woodstove and some quilters at the White House.

Be Blessed      

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Spring

It's almost here, just another hour or so and it arrives officially; SPRING! And boy am I ready for her to arrive. After having had two days of sunny, warm,warm weather today is a little cool and cloudy but after the long cold winter we've had it is still a day to celebrate the season of rebirth. A time to open the windows and doors and welcome the fresh air and sweep away the darkenss of the winter season. A time for chicks and bunnies and flowers. A time to begin again in the freshness of nature awakening in a dazzling display of beauty. 

                                                                                      I spent most of the weekend working but I did manage to get in a little bit of spring cleaning and now I plan a few hours of rest.   We've been changing a few things, I like the baskets hanging from the beam in the living room.

  I'm not sure I'm real pleased with this old architectural element hanging over the french doors but it's OK for now.  I really hate this dark paneling but it will do until the right farmhouse comes along.

 I found these two old frames at a sale on Friday. I really love these.
 The one above has it's original glass and so much carved detail.
 You can still see traces of the original paint on the carved flowers. My plan is to clean them up and wax them with some darkened bees wax. I love the character of them as they are, I think the bees wax will return the luster to the wood and prevent any more of the old paint from chipping away.
I wish you all a warm and wonderful first day of spring! Enjoy each day and be blessed.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Yard Of Chicks

I hope everyone has enjoyed a day as beautiful as the one we have had here. The picture above has to much glare from the flash but I had to post it as it is a favorite of mine. What better to way to welcome spring than A Yard of Chicks!
That is the title of the print and the memories it brings to mind are favorites of mine. Fluffy chicks scampering about chasing bees and butterflies; memories of days of simple joy when all seemed right with the world.
Old tables, dough bowls and lace doilies; these things bring memories too. Days of learning to bake and crochet. Listening to old tales from my Grandmother as I sat at her knee. Not knowing then that those simple days would fade into a world where there would be no time for chicks and doilies and the arts of cooking and sewing would  would pale in the shadow of microwave quickness and plastic tablecloths that would be someday choking our streams and forests along side fast food and microwave food containers.

A precious bear made from a quilt. Yes; quilting, another art that I learned at my Grandmother's side.  

A darling kitten, snug in  wooden bowl. I wonder if she's dreaming of chicks and butterflies?
An old cupboard guarded by a wise and faithful friend. I am thankful for my memories, those of the past and wonderful moments of the present and dreams of the future. I am thankful for the many wonderful friends that I have met through blogging, friends connected to the precious old crafts of life. Friends that make beautiful art and keep the old days alive so that love of home and hearth will exist in this world for generations to come. 
Blessed Be

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been trying to find a way to lighten things up around here. This house is just naturally dark and my love of primitive antiques makes for some definite decorating challenges. Most of my favorite pieces seem to disappear into the dark walls. My plan was to get started on some spring cleaning around here this weekend and to try to lighten things up a bit. Well yesterday during my lunch hour we went to a garage sale, I found some things that I thought might work and as we were loading them into the van I decided to take one quick look inside at some furniture they had for sale. I wasn't really looking for anything that wasn't a primitive piece and only had a few minutes left to get back to work but there it was. A vintage down sofa slip covered in white.  Well you know I thought it might be just what I needed.

Needless to say we managed to get it loaded into the van and I made it back to work on time too!
 I've been going through my stash of vintage pillows to add to the fluffy down pillows on the back. I'll be playing with the pillow arrangement for days but this sofa is so comfortable, it's like sitting on a cloud. River likes it.
A while back I surprised the brats with these little doll beds. They really love them.

Sugar Bee and Evangaline AKA as Wonderful Baby,  are usually on top of this one. They like the way it sinks down when they jump on top and they nap there like they are swinging in a hammock. Well I'm off to more cleaning and maybe a nap myself; that sofa is really comfortable.

Blessed Soltice

As we welcome the coming of new light let us spend time reflecting on the days and loved ones past. Remember that we are a part of what life...