Sunday, July 26, 2020

Retirement Update

Hello friends,  I'm not sure about where you are but we are experiencing the Hot ! Hot! dog days of summer in full force.
I'm trying to cool my body and  soul with thoughts of Autumn. I'm posting some older pictures as I haven't had time to take new photos this week. Autumn is my favorite season and I am really looking forward to it this year.
   Now a quick update on my retirement,  as you know I retired six weeks ago. Thirty days after I retired I received a call asking if I could come back. I was completely caught off guard but I did go back. This  past Monday was my first day back and it has been good to be back but I do so miss being at home. I'm trying not to change my lifestyle too much. I can still have my job and enjoy my home projects just at a slower pace.

Any way I'm starting to pull out my garlands of beautiful autumn leaves, my large stash of dried gourds and faux pumpkins and Indian corn.  I have Indian corn that I have kept for ten years! I just add a little more each year, 

So until the real pumpkins start to appear in the pumpkin farms and grocery stores I will day dream into autumn coolness. Please take care dear friends and stay safe. It is such a comfort to me to know you are all here and I look forward to visiting your blogs often.   


  1. Autumn, of course, is my most favorite season, but I do love summer and it seems like ours gets shorter each year....this one has just flown by. Perhaps it is because we don't get the hot, hot, hot, stuff very often...and when we do, it is usually quick in its passing. Glad you have found an equilibrium with being "semi-retired" and are enjoying being back. Hope your week is off to a great start! ~Robin~

  2. Autumn is by far my fav season. Th temps are perfect and the colors are so vibrant. Cannot believe you came out of retirement so quickly. Janice

  3. Constance, I couldn't find any place to sign up to receive your posts by e-mail. I love using that form because otherwise I miss too many. Did you have a happy retirement? Haha. Even though I love being retired, I really missed working, so you are having the best of both worlds now. I am looking forward to fall also, this heat is getting trying..Stay well..xxoJudy


Blessed Soltice

As we welcome the coming of new light let us spend time reflecting on the days and loved ones past. Remember that we are a part of what life...