It's nearly here; you can feel the change. It comes like a slow moving dream; the sun rising, appearing lazily through the morning misty clouds as if it is peering onto an unfamiliar landscape. All that was lush, dense forest green just weeks ago is now beginning to fade. Here and there a hint of yellow, red and brown. The forest will dress herself in brightness to rival the beauty of the sun herself.
Autumn is arriving, mornings are cooler and the day grows shorter.
The fields ripen to an orange carpet of plump pumpkins and Halloween waits like a shadow, a misty ghost that beckons us to follow. We cannot follow but merely wait in awe and anticipation.
Blessed Be my Friends
Your mantle is amazing....and your words hit home...I feel as though I'm being called - but know I must wait....Happy Autumn Friend....Smiles & Autumn Blessings ~ Robin