Now Wed. morning it was a cool 14 degrees; at 7:00 AM I am getting ready for work and trust me this old house is not toasty. At 7:20 the doorbell rings. It's Brother; " you are not going to believe what I saw yesterday!! The city was cleaning the creek behind Miss Patti's house and I think they threw her old birdbath into the creek." Miss Patti has been gone for a long time. Her house is a fine Victorian house with most of it's lovely gingerbread trim still in place. It has been vacant now for a few years. I loved her gardens, I used to sit on the little stone wall over the creek, just a tiny stream but the bank is rather deep, and admire the beautiful flowers in her yard. She had just a small yard but there were several very neatly kept flower gardens there with the old birdbath and a few statues. I found it quite enchanting. The perfect place for daydreaming.
7:25 Am Brother and I are in my van heading around the corner to Miss Patti's creek. At first we saw nothing and I started to pull away (after all I had to be at work at 8:00) but just then Brother screams WAIT I SEE IT!!!
7:3 0 AM Brother is slidding down the side of the frosty, frozen bank of the little creek. He has to pry the top of the birdbath from the frozen grass and mud. The bottom was nowhere to be found. That's OK I have a base that has been waiting for a new top.
7:40 AM; the birdbath is in the back of my van. Brother has turned blue from the cold but we are both smiling, filled with warm summer memories of our childhood and Miss Patti's lovely garden.
8:00 AM, I'm all cleaned up and at at the office. It was nearly 70 today; so warm and spring-like. Kirby brought out the base which has weathered to a wonderful green. He puts it in the tiny little garden area under the holly tree and Miss Patti's chippy birdbath is perched on top. It isn't a perfect fit but that's OK; it has the perfect memories.
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