I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in the past couple of years. I've finally moved into an apartment. And the truth is I kinda love it. I'm finding it hard to decorate a small place but I've lived in older houses most of my life and the rooms were much larger. It's very quiet and safe and of course the fur babies are welcome. I will post more pictures and an update soon. I've missed blogging.
Mystic Wood Primitives
Friday, August 23, 2024
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Blessed Soltice
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Autumn Beautiful Autumn
Well, my plan today was to post some pictures from my treasures hunting this weekend but my computer has been hacked and about 20 other things have gone wrong so I'm posting from my phone that's only letting me post archived photos. So what's better than an ancient tree in a Confederate Cemetery? My paternal Grandparents are buried adjacent to this cemetery and I always love to visit the site. It's in a sleepy tiny cross roads sort of town in a precious rural setting. It embraces me with peace and calm. Anyway it's a beautiful autumn day and I will be back soon with the pictures. I hope everyone is well and loving this beautiful season as much as I am.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
This Beauty
I'm sorry I've been away, as you get older life just happens and time flees but I had to post about this beauty. She was a gift from a friend a few weeks ago. I was completely surprised as it is just like the one my grandmother taught me to sew on.
She needs to be cleaned up some but all of her parts are in place and it seems she just needs a new belt to be back in service. My back continues to heal and hopefully things will continue to improve around here. I hope you are all well and having a nice summer.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Summertime is Here in Eastern NC
This is a walnut drop leaf table with 16" wide boards. Now I really don't need another drop leaf table (can you have too many?} I absolutely love the feet on this table and I bought it for a song. I also bought another huge very old gathering basket and some amber apothecary bottles and an old wooden box that has Cape Cod cranberries stenciled on the side. I didn't get pictures of those but I will post them next time. I hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying the summer and the sweet freedom that we have once again.
Take care!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Just When Everything Seems All Sorted Out
I'm posting some old pictures from a few years back from my yard. This was before the damn developers came and made life miserable. This was when I actually enjoyed this home but that was then.
This was one of my hydrangeas a couple of years back They have all but two died from weed killer the developers spay on the properties on both sides of me or the constant flooding from the diversion of water. I have one that about a third of it is alive and one that is barely holding on. There were six, pink, blue and lavender and they were beautiful.
The beautiful butterfly bush is gone along with the 4' tall rosemary and the herbs.
I had learned to live with that mainly because I was moving or at least thinking that I would be all moved and planting lovely things for a new start this year BUT ----- I somehow managed to fracture two vertebrae in my upper back about six weeks ago. So I've been on strong pain killers for a while and bed rest but finally I am getting better. I'm off the strong stuff and do some light things including packing again so hopefully I will be moving soon.
It is so good to be feeling better and looking forward to a new start again. Snowball and the boys are doing great and they have been such wonderful nurses. I've managed to list a few things on eBay and there is much more that I need to get listed and I'm finally starting to feel good and even more thankful that there is a new start on the horizon.
Take care and I will be back soon.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Happy Easter
I wish you all a very Happy Easter. Spring is finally here and and I am hoping that we will all have a peaceful and happy year.
Bright, happy, blessings to you all.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Antiques Why do We Love Them? Why do I Collect Them??
I've been thinking about this post for quite a while. Why do we love antiques? I can only answer for myself. Since I was a very small child I have been drawn to history and to antiques. I buy things because of the feeling that I get when I touch them and when I'm near them. It's as if I've always known them like being near an old friend.
I just immediately feel acquainted with them. Don't get me wrong; I often see new furniture that is lovely and that I like but it doesn't feel right for me even though it is beautiful. I see amazing blogs with beautiful new furnishings and I especially love the white on white decorating that is always so fresh and bright. I visit and enjoy these blogs and admire how stunning the decorating is and how comfortable everything looks but it just doesn't work for me.
My old early rope bed decked out with Grandmother's wedding linens and an old quilt suit me just fine. This was my grandson's bed when he was small, I took him to an auction with me when he was four years old and he loved it as much as I did and he even bid on it and won it. It's right at home here and every time I see it I not only have that memory but the spirits of the memories of many others that have used this bed and cherished it for over 150 years.
I use my antiques when ever possible. They feel right in my hand and everyday chores become a sweet pleasure.
I decorate them, live with them, and love them. It's just what I do. I'm always happy with them and I never get tired of the style or trend. When they come home they are paid for. They feel like they were waiting for me and they fit into my life just like friends and family.
Actually I would say they are friends and family. They all have a life and a story. They existed long before I did and God willing they will continue to tell their stories for many more generations.
Most of us have had a cold even bitter winter this year; we've been shut in by Covid and much has changed. I have been blessed, so many old, old friends have kept me company kept me warm and filled my days with memories and sweetness. I guess that sums it up; just a few reasons why I love antiques.
Bright Blessings Everyone
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Thursday, February 11, 2021
For the Love of Antique Ironstone
Before brother past away about 14 years ago he found this large old handmade wardrobe that someone had made by hand in a shop his friend owned. It had been converted with shelves and he called me to come look at it. We bought it straight home just to display ironstone.
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Introducing Fergus McDuff and Shamus McDoggle
Have a wonderful week we will be back soon.
Settling In
I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in the past couple of years. I've finally moved into ...

I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in the past couple of years. I've finally moved into ...
As we welcome the coming of new light let us spend time reflecting on the days and loved ones past. Remember that we are a part of what life...