Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In Memory

                                                      Wallace Creech Overton
                                                    May 1997 - Feb. 21 2011

Sadly, we lost our precious Wallace on Monday. Mom and I rescued Wally from the WalMart parking lot in Spearfish S D in June 1997. He was thrown from a speeding pick up and I couldn't for my life see how a tiny kitten could survive such a horrible act but Mom ran to a line of parked cars calling and out he came. He was a tiny ball of fur with great big feet. We rushed him to the Vet. and found that he was fine; Mama named him Wallace and he became her best friend. When her house flooded  in 1999 and she came to live with me Wallace and her other five babies came too. After Mom passed away Wallace was so full of grief and I worried so much about him but with me, Kirby and Brother there to spoil him he soon recovered. Then Brother passed away and Wallace once again began to grieve, he would always talk loudly when he heard Brothers voice and continue talking until Brother took him in is arms.  Since the day Brother died I've never heard him speak again. After a few months passed he seemed to recover to some degree and he knew that Kirby and I adored him. I honestly think he grieved himself to death; he'd never been sick a day in his life and he was the center of attention in all of our lives. What do you say about a gentle spirit that has given all of his love and so much laughter and happiness to so many. I know that Mother and Brother are holding him in their arms and he's probably already bitten someone in heaven, and I'm sure he's probably broken something. I know they are happy to be together again and be a family again but this house is so empty. I miss you Wally. 


  1. What an amazing little guy Wallace was. God Literally dropped him into your mom's lap. He was meant to be a member of your family.

    I am so sorry for your loss, and I can only imagine how difficult this must be. I firmly believe he is with his family now and they will remain together for all eternity.


  2. Wallace was a handsome fellow, I am so sorry for your loss. I know it's hard..I lost 2 in one year! Have a blessed evening
    Millstone Mercantile/Robin

  3. What a beautiful story. I have to say a similar situation occurred with me in southern, Ohio, where someone dropped onto the road a microscopic kitten, a male whom I rescued by stopping traffic. I named him Sgt. Pepper. He was a tabby boy. His story ends in a Kentucky mansion that was built in the 1830's. My husband writes for Early American Life, and I got to go to that house when we delivered Pepper to the kindly gentleman who took him in. Pepper had been ours, but as we were returning home to Oregon...

    I love your story so very, very much. Wallace is home.


Settling In

  I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in the past couple of years. I've finally moved into ...