Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Thanksgiving Miracle

 Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving; I can't believe it's over and back to the office tomorrow. This is my sweet little feral baby Evangeline. She hasn't been with us long and let me tell you she was one little wild child. The week before Thanksgiving she came down with URI which rapidly turned to pneumonia. My heart was breaking but with some help from a dear friend of mine and a stronger antibiotic she took a major turn for the good and she is now doing fantastic. She's working on some garland in the picture above and helping with the decorating in the next two pictures. This has been a true Thanksgiving blessing.


 I ventured out to one sale yesterday, I was on a very limited budget so when I spotted a coffee table made from an old wagon seat on the porch on my way in I didn't even stop to look at the price. I hoped to pick up a couple of smalls on the inside and be on my way.
 This is a picture of the old beater that I found a week or so ago. I love it.
 I found this great masher at that same sale. Now back to yesterday; inside I found some great bargains including the wicker rocker and chair below. They are on my porch now.

 Then to the primitives, I found this old chopper. I wish I knew more about it. It is hand forged and the lady that I purchased it from said it was used for chopping food in the old wooden trenchers.


Next I found this old Griswold grinder; I got this for Kirby. He had disappeared somewhere in the madness of the sale.

 Then there was this antique ironstone pitcher and bowl, I'd been looking for one of these but they were never in my budget until this one.

 I had to have this rolling pin to add to my ever growing collection.

 And this old grinder with the wonderful red top and handle.

 And this is a lead weight, now why would I want this thing????
 Because it came with this old scale. The lady said it was an antique Greek scale? It's definitely an antique and I was thrilled to find it.

 I also found this old seeder.

 I'm saving the best for last here can you tell ??

I've started on the decorating. 
 Remember I said Kirby disappeared; well he showed up in time to load up the goodies. Unfortunately the buggy seat table had been sold. Oh well I had to be happy with the many treasures I'd found. Until Kirby opened the back door of the van to load in the chairs and there was that wonderful, beautiful, buggy seat table. What a fantastic surprise!

We'll be painting the kitchen soon, before Christmas if all goes well but in the mean time things are slowly coming together and I'm having fun just working it all out. Have a great week everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across your blog through someone else's and I love it. Your little rescue baby is beautiful and so good that she is much better. Looking forward to future postings of yours. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Heidi


Settling In

  I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in the past couple of years. I've finally moved into ...