Friday, November 13, 2015

Beautiful Autumn Day and some Wonderful News

I hope everyone has had a day just as lovely as it is here today.
The sun is warm and bright with an amazing breeze just perfect for drying clothes on the line. There has been just a slight chill on the wind that reminds me that colder days are coming and it makes me anxious to get so many things done before Thanksgiving arrives.

There are cupboards that must be sorted and and collections of pewter, white ironstone and pottery must be dusted. 

Christmas decorations must find their way from storage and take the place of the autumn things that I always enjoy and hate to pack away but I love the trees and garlands and the festive mood of the house once the work is done.

Now for the news, we will be announcing a grand opening sale for our Etsy shop in the next couple of days so please check back. We will be posting a coupon code for all of our friends here at Mystic Wood and we will be adding more items to the shop also. As some of you may remember we set up our booth at Historic Halifax last summer for the 301 Endless Yard Sale  and the contestants of the Great American Country TV show; Endless  Yard Sale stopped in and filmed our booth as they were shopping and actually bought an item from us. Now we have no idea how they do the final cut for the show but we were filmed and we just may be on the show. Either way we had an amazing time and we just found out that the show will air on Dec. 6 th.  

It's time for me to get back to work, I still haven't gotten used to the time change this year and we are expecting a cool down this evening. I'll be curled on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate and Lisa and I will be working on lots of new things for Mystic Wood.

Stay warm and enjoy the week end.     

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