Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some Favorites

                                                                                It's been another hot miserable, dry week here. Even cooler air and rain finally moved in about an hour ago. I can't even remember the last time it rained and even with the house in much disarray due to the moving process I found it so cozy and comforting to see the room begin to darken and hear the sound of the swishing wind that brought the promise that surely Autumn is coming. I still have so much to pack and there is still a great deal to be done in the new house but things are moving along and hopefully I'll be unpacking and decorating next weekend. We are painting the trim there Colonial White and it is really making the rooms much lighter. I have a plan for the kitchen if I can get approval from the landlord. I'm going to see if he will let me paint over the dark paneling in there with the colonial white and paint the cabinets Dove Gray. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

                                                                               This is one of the bowls that I purchased at auction last weekend. I love yelloware and I was thrilled to find this old beauty with the rockingham glaze.

I also found this great white bowl, I unpacked them this afternoon to get them cleaned up so I can repack them; does that make sense? Well at least they will have the dust cleaned off and be ready to display in the new house.

                                                                              I found this old magazine stand at a garage sale yesterday; I couldn't pass it up. It will be cleaned up and painted; it's just the perfect size to hold an old wash board or two and be displayed with my old wooden ironing board. 


I found this old crock a while back. I know it has chips but that doesn't bother me. It just somehow makes me love it all the more and I can never find enough old blue canning jars. I took the pictures of these things sitting on top of an old chest found discarded by the road. I scrubbed away layers of grime to get to the old crackled finish. It's another favorite of mine.  I'm looking forward to the cooler days and hoping that my energy will find me again now that it isn't going to be so hot. I wish you all a wonderful week and maybe my next post will be from the new house.
Take care everyone.                                                                                  

1 comment:

  1. Love your treasures, that yellow ware bowl is awesome. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog.


Settling In

  I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in the past couple of years. I've finally moved into ...